PUBGM vs CODM: Which One Is Better?

Arasy Al Haqi
6 min readJun 12, 2021
Photo by Onur Binay on Unsplash

If you are a gamer you must know what PUBG and COD is. Player Unknown Battle Grounds known as PUBG and Call of Duty known as COD. These iconic titles which essentially only available on PC, now have their mobile versions which can be accessed anywhere in the palm of your hands. It’s called PUBGM and CODM with the letter “M” stands for Mobile.

These games are in the top 5 in the top grossing-action category on Google play. PUBGM and CODM are famous among mobile and non-mobile gamers (PC, Console). They are famous because their name is already popular among the majority of gamers.

My Experience with PUBGM and CODM

I play both of these games. I was an ex-PUBGM player. I played it from when it was released and stopped at Season 10. I can say that I’m pretty experienced at PUBGM since I have been a Solo-Conqueror for Four seasons. Right now, the mobile games I played are CODM and a few mini-games. I also considered myself as someone experienced in CODM because I have been playing CODM since season 1. I may be experienced and familiar with these games, but I’m not a pro at it. I just find these games fun to play.

Since I’m quite experienced at these games. I want to make a comparison between the two. I don’t hate these games, and I am not trying to fire shots at these two games. This is just a genuine comparison based on my experienced.


Both of these games have amazing graphics. They look quite nice for mobile games. Especially when we know what the PC version looks like. I can’t judge the graphic from my experiences because I rarely play the game in high settings. However, there are things that I can point out about the graphic on both games. Keep in mind that I play these games with my Samsung Galaxy S9.

  • PUBGM has great graphics but you need to have a high-end device to be able to play it like so. The graphics settings really affect the FPS (Frame per second) settings. I always play the game on the lowest graphic possible and in return I get extreme FPS settings that can greatly impact my gameplay.
  • in CODM I can get good graphic settings with great FPS. Something which an S9 can’t do on PUBGM. In CODM you still get a decent FPS with medium-high graphics.

So, both games are playable on S9. You will get 60 FPS assuming you play on the lowest graphic possible. For, mobile games especially online, I think the gameplay is more important than the graphic. Hence, I’m okay with it.

In-App Purchase

Like most online mobile games, in-app purchases in both games are mostly just skin that doesn’t boost your character in any way. As an FPS/TPS game, things that you can buy in both games are almost similar.

  • In PUBGM, you can buy clothes for your character. When in CODM, you buy an operator instead, which will change the appearance of your character. PUBGM are very stingy with their stuff I would say. I opened many cases from their shop and I haven’t got a single mythic rarity item. I mean it all also based on luck. 10 seasons and never got a mythic item, what a shame. In CODM however, two times I spent 10 CPs and get an operator. Also, they always giving away low rarity skins which makes it worthless because it’s a lot. Still, I appreciate them for giving away all the low rarity skins.
  • Both games let you buy skins for your gun. Each skin also has its own rarity marked with different colors.
  • Both games also let you buy skins for your vehicles in the game;
  • But, how about the price? the price varies from cheap, reasonable, to very expensive. I’m talking millions of rupiah. Exclusive items and high rarity items obviously going to be expensive and hard to get. It’s gacha, hence they are expensive because you need to spend a lot of money to get the best item. Unless you are very lucky.
  • One last thing about this topic. I don’t know if it was just my feeling but all my friends on PUBGM (5 of them) who have never spent a dime in the game are given at least one mythic item. They also about to quit playing PUBGM, they rarely open the game. When they came back, PUBGM always gives them 1 mythic item from like two times gacha. I don’t know if they are very lucky or this is PUBGM’s way to prevent someone from stop playing the game. That thing still a mystery to me.


Gameplay is something very crucial to a game. A game with no story must have great gameplay to make up for it. Both games are fun to play. But, I think each of them has its own strength.

  • PUBGM is known best for its battle royale because it was also what the original game on PC was known for. PUBGM Battle royale is perfect to play on mobile. On the other hand, CODM is famous for its multiplayer mode. For people who like face-paced shooting, CODM is for you.
  • PUBGM has great hitboxes, and the game sync-up very well. You can hit headshots and kill enemies easily without frustration. Unfortunately for CODM, the game is nice to play, but the hitboxes sometimes feel very off. Also, often this game doesn’t sync up very well to what we or the enemy see. Many people feel that way.
  • PUBGM has great weapon mechanics. Especially their bullet travel mechanic. Their bullet travel feels very realistic. It makes the gameplay especially long-range feels immersive. While in CODM you can’t really feel the bullet travel mechanic. I know it’s there, but it’s not very great. You can’t really see how the bullet travels in mid-air.
  • If we compare PUBGM and CODM on their battle royal gameplay, I think PUBGM is way better than CODM. The same also applies when we compare those two on their Classic Multiplayer gameplay. I think CODM is better. In the end, it all comes to which one do you like the most.


PUBGM is really a perfect game all around when CODM still needs a little development. I believe in CODM because they always tried to update their games and system so that the gameplay would feel better. There were times where weapons in CODM are unbalanced. Some weapons are just too OP, and people started abusing them. Right now, the unbalance is no more as a result of CODM whose always updates their game.

I think one problem that still around in CODM is the desync because people are furious about it. I believe in the developer that they are going to fix that someday in the future.

In conclusion, I had a great experience with both games. PUBGM and CODM are fun games to play. They each have their own strength in every aspect. I enjoyed playing PUBGM in the past, and I’m going to play it again someday. For now, I’m going to play CODM.

People might ask me why am I not including Free Fire in the comparison. when Free Fire literally ranks first place at the top-grossing action game. I have a few reasons for that.

  • First, Free Fire is a new game when PUBGM and CODM have their own original game on another platform.
  • Secondly, I have never played Free Fire before. I might try it someday.

Thank you for reading this article. I’m honored!


